Using Solar Energy to Power Your Camping

Aug 4, 2022

The wonderful tool that is solar power energy has come a long way since the heady days of yore. In fact, it was way back in 1883 that a man by the name of Charles Fritts built the very first solar cell. By using a layer of gold to coat selenium, he found that this genius combination produced a strong current.

Since then, today’s modern sky panels use silicon cells instead of selenium, but the photoelectric principle remains the same. After many trials and tribulations over the last 100+ years, solar power is becoming commonplace. This concept of utilizing the power of the sun has not only taken hold in our homes but has changed the way many of us camp.

In this article, we will share how solar energy can help you power your next camping trip, and how easy it is to do it. As they say, once you go solar, you never go back!

A Solar Portable Power Station

If you are an RV camper, a solar portable power station is your new best friend. Why? Because unless you’ve got the latest and greatest RV, chances are you need some additional oomph with regards to more power outlets for all of your devices. If you’re like most people, you are taking many of the creature comforts of home with you, so additional power is necessary.

A portable power station has the ability to charge your devices from multiple sources and can be charging up throughout the day when you are away exploring a town or hiking in the park. When you come back at the end of the day, it will be fully charged and ready when you need it.

Your Air Conditioner Will Work Wonders

At the height of camping season during the summer, there’s nothing like coming into your cooled down RV from the scorching heat, even if you’re just coming in from the RV resort pool! A normal RV typically has only one AC unit, and often that’s not enough to run at full speed and tends to suck the power for other things. A separate power station will give you the power you need.

No More Extension Cords!

Often times RV camping is synonymous with extension cords going every which way, causing tripping hazards. A power station eliminates the need for running extension cords and you can even take it outside to power whatever you need.

Solar Power Stations Ain’t Just for Camping

While we love to tout the full-time RV lifestyle, most RVers are not camping year-round. That’s why having a portable power solar generator works for just about everyone. You can also take it to the park, to outdoor parties, events, and more. You never know when someone will run out of power. And if they do, you’ll be there to save the day.

Additionally, when you are camping and there’s a power outage? Voila! You have a backup power generator.

The Benefits of Having a Portable Power Station

Size. Back in the day, a power generator conjured visions of a huge contraption that was heavy and bulky. Not so today. Technology is a beautiful thing, and today’s portable stations are light enough to carry with one hand. Even though the solar panels that come with them are not quite as compact, you have peace of mind knowing it is small enough to transport just about anywhere.

Rechargeable. Today’s stations have lithium batteries that can be recharged more than one way. Not only will the sun’s rays recharge your battery, but you can also use a typical wall plug-in, a 12V charger, or a car charger.

It’s quiet. What was once a device that was quite noisy that would be a nuisance to other campers, today is a breath of fresh quiet air. Your charger will not disturb a soul, giving you the freedom to get to know your neighbors and have great conversations without shouting above a noisy generator.

Easy to use. Today’s generators simply require the push of a button to turn on and off. How simple is that?

There are many solar-generated portable power stations on the market. Depending on your needs and budget, there is one that is perfect for you.