The Ultimate Packing List for Fall Camping

The Ultimate Packing List for Fall Camping

Whether you’re a first-time camper or seasoned outdoorsman, we could all use a little help when it comes to what to pack for fall camping. It’s a different packing list than during other seasons. It tends to take a bit more thought and preparation, mainly due to...

Using Solar Energy to Power Your Camping

Using Solar Energy to Power Your Camping

The wonderful tool that is solar power energy has come a long way since the heady days of yore. In fact, it was way back in 1883 that a man by the name of Charles Fritts built the very first solar cell. By using a layer of gold to coat selenium, he found that this...

The 10 Best Travel Games for Taking on the Road

The 10 Best Travel Games for Taking on the Road

Some of the best memories of camping can be made with the simplest of traditions. One of them is gathering around the picnic table or fire for a friendly game of chance and skill. Having a game night with friends and family is a great way to wind down after a day of...

Best Hikes near Ashland

Best Hikes near Ashland

When you think of Ashland, images of great theater typically dance in the heads of the average visitor. After all, this is home to the world-famous Shakespeare Festival. But did you know that Ashland is also a mecca for outdoor enthusiasts? We are in Oregon, after...

Get Off the Beaten Path on the Oregon Coast

The road less traveled is always a grand one, full of nooks and crannies that most visitors just don’t get to see. Find out where the really good stuff is on the Central-Southern Oregon Coast. Waldport This is an under-the-radar coastal town that doesn’t put on airs,...

Pick Your Poison: Coffee and Craft Beer in Ashland

Pick Your Poison: Coffee and Craft Beer in Ashland

We all have our vices, and many people in Oregon start their day with a great cup (or two, or three) of coffee to get the day started. Then when quittin’ time is approaching, they’re thinking about where to go for the best brews…